Thursday, November 18, 2010

MWAC's (Mom's with a camera)

I cannot take credit for such an acronym. My wedding photographer, Kevin Barre, came up with this little jewel as I was mentioning to him during one of our meetings about all of the people on Facebook starting photography websites. Kevin, an extremely talented photographer, is very offended by this, as am I. 

I can't really describe how it makes me feel... annoyed (may-be?) when I see some half-ass attempt at editing by someone who looks like they took a picture with a Nikon Coolpix in their backyard. "Oh. Here's a picture of a seashell on the beach this past summer... see how I made it black and white... that's classy. And by the way, I'm starting to do toddler shots, senior pictures, and weddings."  I understand people have to start somewhere, but really... If it is that easy, I think I could be a photographer. I have a camera that I purchased for $100 and I have the keen ability to hit the "Enhance" button at the bottom of my photo editing software. Click and done. 

Now I will say there are some people I have seen that do a pretty good job. There's a guy in my class whose wife does this. Her pictures look good and she seems to spend a lot of time on editing, unlike others I have seen. I also have a relative whose starting to get into photography as a hobby. She has the nice digital SLR camera and is taking a photography class, so I can't get mad at this one either. Her pictures look really good, much better than something I could do. 

I guess it makes me mad when I think of how these people come to their new found "profession." I can only imagine it goes something like this...

"Well, I'm a stay-at-home mom, but I need something to do to take up time, and possibly make some extra scratch. What can I do? I got it! I can buy a camera..."

*Goes to store to buy digital SLR camera and photo editing software."

$800 later, "Ok, I am capable of pushing a button and putting these images on a computer. Now, I will make a website advertising my services. I know other (and when they say other, they mean REAL) photographers will charge a lot of $$$ to have pictures made, but I will do it for substantially less." All of the pictures will be put on a computer, all pictures will be edited and adjusted the same way, and you will pay for a service that you could probably have done yourself. 

I'll end with this, I believe a photographer should have vision, not just a fancy camera and free time. 

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