I’ve found myself saying, “I’m sure I wasn’t THAT bad at that age,” too much lately. It seems like kids these days have gotten more annoying and generally disrespectful. Just this weekend, I went to the Wolfchase Galleria (which by the way is something one should never do on a weekend unless it’s an absolute necessity) and as I was trying to back up out of a parking space, a group of three 13-15 year old girls were walking immediately behind the car. I stop, as to not run them over, and one of the girls looks at me, sticks out her tongue, makes some weird face at me and keeps walking. Part of me wanted to reverse so fast, roll down the window and tell her, “Excuse me, skank. If you look at me like that again, I’ll slit your #$%^* throat. Thanks.” If I would have known that I would’ve gotten away with it, I would have.
I blame most of it on the parents. I’ve told myself I will be much better at parenting than these idiots. They’re probably the ones who don’t believe in reprimanding their children appropriately (i.e. beating them) and also think they’re just “expressing themselves and that’s healthy.” Obviously it pisses me off to the highest exponent one could imagine when I see a child “expressing” themselves. It makes me want to express myself on their face. A few months ago I was eating with my fiancĂ© at Lennys. It was my first time ever eating at one so as you could imagine, I was excited. Now as you also know, first impressions are everything. As I go to the fountain to get a Diet Coke, a young boy, probably around 5 years of age, rushes at me from behind, pushes me from the fountain, and proceeds to fill his cup. I stopped. I looked back at his mother. All she said was, “Son, stop.” No movement. Not getting up. The kid is running around like he has ADD, which in his defense, he probably did. I start to fill my drink, again, and he comes back. The little bastard does it again. Now the mom peels herself from the vinyl of Lennys’ booth and pulls him back to his seat. All I got from mom was, “Sorry.” No Mom. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’re a moron and have given birth to such a troll. May God have mercy on your soul.
I have a "soon-to-be-relative" that will remain nameless, but I think she needs parenting classes. She is a prime example of what not to do as a single parent. We'll take a few steps back in time and try and figure out where the, now 14 year old female, went wrong...
Let it be known I have known the child since she was 7 and at age 7, she was a smart kid... very dramatic, but smart. Well as she got older (around age 12), she started to develop this terrible attitude. Her grades were still very good but she was extremely focussed on being popular. She tried out for cheerleading number times and never made the squad (she never practiced, she just tried out). She started acted out more frequently and on a couple of occasions, directed the "F word" toward her grandfather. It sickened me. The mom tells us, "Well, DAUGHTER left last night to go outside walking (clue to mom... this is never good) and I thought I smelled smoke when they [daughter and a friend] came back. I mean I've found cigarettes in her room before but this smelled different." So the family asks, "What did you do about the cigarettes?!" Mom replies, "Well, I took a couple and smoked them." (mom is a former smoker) Long story short, daughter eventually lets mom in on her smoking pot on a regular basis. Mom gets mad and send her to Chicago to live with her dad because the dad is "better" at punishing her. She stays all summer and supposedly with a renewed sense of self, she goes to the local mall and gets picked up for shoplifting. This was around Thanksgiving. What does mom do? Nothing. She gets community service issued by the local juvenile court. At Thanksgiving, she starts complaining of wanting to "go out" with friends and needs gas money. Gas money? For a 14 year old? I had to ask her, "Why do you need gas money?" Her reply, "Because these guys won't come get us unless we pay them." Wow. After finding out the guys were 18, I didn't even really know what to say, so I let it fly! "So you're paying 18 year olds to drive out here and pick you up, 14 year olds. What breed of loser are these guys that they have to hang out with girls your age, and how big of a douche are they that they force you to pay them to come get you?" She got mad and walked out to wait on her taxi. Mom lets her go with these guys, and I ask mom, "So what are they like?" "You're right. They're losers. I don't know why she likes them," says mom. Wow. Great parenting.
On a somewhat related note: I don’t know if you’ve heard, but about 20% of the female students at a local Memphis high school are pregnant and/or have had a baby. WTF? They are asking for more money to help teach better sex education classes. I’ll be the first one to say that I do not condone pre-marital relations, but I have an idea that may help this situation-birth control. Obviously there’s no one at this high school that knows about it. May-be they should check into that.
I pray for the future of this nation. As always, my rant has forced me to a point of mental frustration so severe that I cannot bear anymore. Peace.
Oh, and I would love some more followers. Thanks.